August 18 2024: I let the .net version of the domain drop and bought the .uk instead. But something very odd has happened. Someone has bought the .net and used the graphics I made two versions before this one. I have emailed them. Those are my graphics, made by me and no one else has any right to use them. In the meantime, I've tidied up and added a page of my other sites.
October 22 2023: I did change the graphics after all!
June 19 2023: I thought about changing the graphics again, but I love this set so much. So I'm keeping it. I've added the "Cameos" section.
April 19 2022: I've changed the graphics. I made a discovery that was once owned by someone else, for several years! That was quite a surprise to me as I had thought I was its only owner. Well, you learn something new every day!
November 27 2021: I've added the quilts section, as I love virtual quilts! I also added the "I Would Be..." page.
June 6 2020: I'm doing a springclean and adding some things.
May 3 2019: No longer a reseller, merely hosted on a shared hosting plan. Ah well, at least I've kept the domain and still want to do something with it. I am closing a bunch of domains, so there may be extra content available to put in here now.
November 3 2012: I have rather neglected this site. But it is a reseller now, so I should have something up! I'd like to develop the site, but I have that old problem of mine: so may domains, so little time! But I can't get rid of this one, I'm attached.
October 30 2009: This site is just beginning so this is a brand new set of updates! I didn't really do anything with, so there isn't anything to carry over into this site. It's always exciting, buying a new domain and planning what to put in it. Or not planning, which is more like it! I cannot deny it: I love buying domains!