Colours are odd things. When we are blue, it is because we are sad; in the pink when we are healthy; white with fright; in a black mood; red with anger; browned off; green with envy and yellow when we are ill. Very odd! I wonder why blue is supposed to be a sad colour when it is the colour of a summer sky.; Or bluebells on a forest floor. Some think of it as a cold colour, but I think it can be soothing and calming. According to a book I read, blue is the dominant colour of the throat chakra and lies at the "cold end" of the spectrum. (Which answers my question!) It symbolises inspiration, devotion, peace and tranquility. So, it is a good colour to use in meditation and in healing. but what does that all mean? Chakra is a Sanskrit word, which means a wheel. The chakras are centres of energy within the body which absorb the life force and distribute it to the nervous system, endrocine system and the blood. The throat contains some of the seven major chakras and so it is crossed by lies of energy, 21 times.

A major chakra can become blocked by trauma in one's life. As the life force is then also blocked, the physical body suffers. Each major chakra is associated with a particular colour.

Those who are able to see the aura, will notice that people who have attained great spiritual understanding have blue dominating. It stands for devotion to a noble idea, loyalty and sincerity and an artistic, harmonious nature.