I am 60+; married; one daughter; 2 cats and a hen; live in Wales; Pagan; addicted to the 'net. The "about me" page is always the most difficult to write, especially when you have several domains, as I do! I'm afraid I'm really a boring person. I don't do much except go shopping, wash dishes, cook, build websites and make graphics, read, and write letters to penfriends. I am somewhat addicted to building websites and I have rather too many for one person, but I cannot resist them. My sites range from graphics to poetry, humour to science fiction, opera to chivalry. I have lots of interests: the kindest thing you could say about me is that I have a butterfly mind and I like to explore those interests in websites.
Although I think of myself as Welsh by adoption, I am actually a Geordie, from the north-east of England. The two are very much alike though. I lived in New Zealand for four years during my teens.
It's a quiet life, but a happy one.